It's sadden when some people cannot differentiate between relationship and dating, when asking a girl out, they will tell you they are in relationship; my question now is what is relationship? and how many people can you be in relationship with? well the answer is straight, you can be in relationship with as many people as you can. But when you are dating, you can only date one person and i mean only one person. 

Now let me analyse these one after the other (***Remember no string attached***)

1.  Relationship describe association(s) between two or more individuals and may range from close to distant, as well as fleeting to enduring.

As a sociable beings, humans are driven by an innate need to establish relationships with each other, and form tight communities and societies based on shared beliefs and values. Pay attention to this "Relationships can be founded on mutual affection(Friendship), romantic attachment(Dating), solidarity(Group), or even mere circumstances".

A distinction is usually made between non-intimate and intimate relationships, which involve a higher degree of physical
and emotional intimacy between two people. Physical intimacy is characterized by loving gestures and sexual activity, whereas emotional intimacy results from sharing thoughts, experiences and goals.

2. Dating is a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by two people with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse. While the term has several meanings, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, together, as a couple.

3. Boy Friend and Girl Friend can be categorized into the mutual affection category (Friendship), there is no way your Girl friend or your Boy friend can be your Spouse unless Dating. Quote me right, i'm not saying you cannot date your Girl or Boy friend but they cannot be called your spouse until they are in Dating relationship with you.

What more can i say; Relationship is just the general term used to describe all kind of associations that exist between individuals be it Friendship, Courtship (Dating), e.t.c. 

Lastly, let get this right now, Relationship comes in various forms depending on which one you put yourself in; if you are Dating, that means you are in Courtship and so on. as long as we all do things together, go to school together, work together..... we all have engaged in relationship. So therefore Friendship, Courtship e.t.c are different entity that belong to the same family of Relationship. please define the kind of relationship you have, stop saying you are in relationship when you can make it better by saying you are Dating Someone or that you
are in Date.... though the English sentence may not sound good but that is the correct expression.
Thanks (Subjected to approval or dossapproval)



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