Abortion is the knowing destruction of the life of an unborn child. But this is only part of the story as abortion also hurts the woman involved. Abortion affects women physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
When an abortion is performed on a woman, she becomes subject to many physical complications.
Deaths from abortions, although rare, are usually from heavy bleeding from complications with anesthesia. Women who have abortions increase their risk of breast cancer by 50 percent, according to a new study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Abortion of a first pregnancy interrupts the natural growth process of the breast, leaving millions of cells at a high risk.
It has been found that future pregnancy failure is increased by 45 percent with just one previous abortion. Other complications are a greater risk of premature births, tubal pregnancy, sterility, and damage to the cervix. As a result of abortion, women suffer many physical injuries.
Not only do these women bear physical side effects, but they also suffer many emotional side effects.
Among these are depression, long-term grief reactions, anger, sexual dysfunction, guilt, flashbacks, memory repression, suicidal ideas, and difficulty keeping close relationships.
20 percent of post-abortive women reported a nervous breakdown, and 10 percent were hospitalized for psychiatric care. Of the 260 women surveyed, over 60 percent said their abortion made their life worse.
In addition, abortion hurts women spiritually because it is not simply a process of evacuating the contents of a uterus, but the ending of a human life.
God states in the sixth commandment, Thou shall not murder. Each baby is created by God and is part of His plan as stated in Psalms 139:13-14, You made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit them together in my mother's womb... you saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe... Human life does not begin when the baby breathes, or when its heart begins to beat, buts its life is continuous and inherited.
Not only do abortions end the life of a baby, but it also have harmful physical, emotional, and spiritual effects of the women involved. We need to protect and value all human life from the moment of conception to natural death. The future of Nigeria and our world rest on that.
Wow! Such an educative post. Thanks for the tips bro. My question; In China, abortion was made legal to reduce over-population. In that case, they're allowed to commit murder for a greater cause. Is that also a sin? Check out my blog @ http://www.learnxlr.blogspot.com (you'l be glad you did).
ReplyDeleteTo me its a sin because there are other way of going about it than allowing innocent children come and kill them like that. they should consider going for Family Planning instead.
ReplyDeleteAbortion is a sin, a murder case but our society take its as a good practice.