The “Obama bump” is considered by many the reason for the many votes he received during the Sejm campaign.His supporters were known to cheer “Vivat! Vivat Polski Obama!” (“Long live the Polish Obama!”). John Godson was re-elected as a member of the Polish parliament on the 9th of October 2011 with 29,832 votes
Godson often emphasizes the importance of education and he is the holder of numerous academic degrees. He has a bachelor of science degree in agronomy from Abia State University in Nigeria (1987–92).
He also holds Masters degrees in Human Resource Management and Development from Trinity College and Seminary in Newburgh, Indiana (2000-03) and International relationsfrom the Łódź Academy of International Studies (2006–08). He finished two doctorate studies at the University of Warsaw (political Science- 2011) and University of Łódź (Management- 2012). He also holds a joint MBA/MSPC (Master of Business Administration/Master of Science in Professional Communication) run by Clark University and the Łódź Academy of Management.
He was a senior lecturer at the Technical University of Szczecin (1993–97) and at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. He is a guest lecturer in various institutions of higher learning in Poland and abroad. He is also the president of the African Institute in Poland.
He was a senior lecturer at the Technical University of Szczecin (1993–97) and at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. He is a guest lecturer in various institutions of higher learning in Poland and abroad. He is also the president of the African Institute in Poland.
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