I wouldn’t mind if my woman
accentuated her boobies
and shove her cleavage in my face
to near suffocation on the first date to entice me. But if she’s got
those boobies displayed for the world to admire every time she is out, then
she is addicted to advertising herself. And there will be buyers someday. And
if you ask me, that’s not a comfortable feeling to live with. I strongly
believe a woman who dresses trashy when she actually isn’t trash is guilty of
false advertising. Such provocative attire is simply a gross misrepresentation
of intent and it has negative physiological effects on a man, especially if his
girlfriend catches him in an unpleasant way.
These false advisertisers claim that they aren’t out to fish
men or hurt them by displaying thighs and cleavage - that men are just
collateral damage; that their prime targets are the women. Really? It’s common
today for a woman to dress up in micro-mini skirt to draw attention to herself
at the workplace. While this action may make her feel more confident about
herself it will also significantly take away any real talent or skill she may
have to contribute to the work environment.
Whether it’s fair or unfair, men will view her as an object
of attraction, and this is enough to cause damage to her career. This behavior
only suggests the need to feel attractive rather than the desire to succeed at
work. I believe getting noticed for a
real achievement is far more rewarding than getting a stare from the married
boss down the hall who will only see you as a sexy woman in a short skirt. If
you didn’t know, when most men see women dressed so inappropriately, (no matter
how respectable, loaded or intelligent she is) they will flirt with her but
they will never respect her even if they wanted to.
It’s like those annoying girls in high school who constanly
seek compliments from guys by putting on skimpy attires and loads of make-ups.
Much as I can put up with this character at the work place or anywhere else;
she is not the type I want to call my own. This is not the kind of girl I can take
home to my parents.
Rating: 4.5
Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
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