Here are a list of things that have been shown to make
even the most composed woman smile with glee.
• Let her know if she does something well, and
thank her! Everyone possesses these little hidden and
not-so-hidden talents. Whenever your wife or
girlfriend displays those talents, be sure you let her
know that her efforts matter and that you appreciate
what she does.
•Make her laugh as often as possible. They say
looks fade, but a sense of humor sticks around.
Laughter is a great medicine, and it’s a good idea to
give your lady a hearty dose whenever you can. Even
if you’re not a born comedian, you can still try to
master a couple of jokes or antics that are sure to
tickle her funny bone.
•Cook for her sometimes . Whether you’re a master
chef or just a guy who can barely fry an egg, your
efforts won’t go unappreciated. It feels nice every once
in a while to not worry about whipping up a quick
•Shower her with affection whenever you can . This
doesn’t mean you have to get your hands all over her
whenever you’re together. Affection can be as subtle
as a random kiss on the cheek or a quick back rub
when she looks tired. These tiny things you do can
pick up her mood or even make her day a whole lot
•Offer to do chores she hates . "Any man who’d pick
up the slack and do some of the chores we hate would
be an angel in our eyes!" Quoted from a lady. You can
easily tell which chores she hates by the look on her
face when she’s doing it. So go up to her, take the
brush, the sponge or the trash, and tell her to relax
while you do it for her.
•Fix what needs fixing. There’s bound to be one
thing you can fix for your girl. It can be as tough as
taking a look under the hood of her car or as simple
as getting rid of viruses on her computer. Women like
men who can fix things, so she’s bound to like you
twenty times over!
•Play games or sports togethe r. Games aren’t just
for kids. Adults play games all the time to stimulate the
mind and body. If you’re tired of going to the same
old restaurants for your date, take your date outdoors
with some sports like, running or swimming. For those
who aren’t athletic, video games are another great
option. Pick a game she might like and teach her how
to play.
•Pamper her when she’s down . Sometimes, women
try to look better to feel better. In times like this, offer
to pay for her pamper session or accompany her
when she’s trying to relax.
•Give her little gifts. You don’t always have to whip
out hundreds of dollars to impress your girl. Even the
smallest gifts can have a huge impact. If you’re good
with your hands, create something that shows you
care about her. The effort almost always matters more
than the price tag.
•Listen to what she has to say. Some girls are
capable of talking your ears off. But instead of just
brushing off what she has to say to you, try to actually
listen and respond. You don’t always need to solve her
problems or give suggestions, because sometimes all
she needs is someone who would just listen.
•Involve her in your activities. Show her that she’s
an important part of your life by letting her in on
activities you enjoy. If you’re into working out, invite
her to join you. If you’re a soccer player, invite her to
watch you play. Even if it’s not her thing, simply asking
already makes her feel more involved.
•Let her know that her opinions matter. Women
often have an opinion about everything and anything
under the sun. Heed her opinions, whether they’re
about small matters or big decisions. It shows her that
what she thinks matters enough to affect your
choices. If she’s the one you want to spend the rest of
your life with *or if she already is*, then you have to
make her feel that she has a say in things that matter
to you.
•Value what she values. Whether she’s into art,
music, pets or sports, you have to make her feel that
you also value these things because they’re important
to her. Show her how important she is to you by
showing her that you do your best to care about the
things she cares about.
•Give her space when she needs it. When
everything’s crumbling down around her, your first
instinct may be to come to her rescue. But when she
asks you to give her space to figure things out, respect
her decision and give her the space she needs. Just
remind her that you’re there for her if she needs a
helping hand.
I hope these little tips help you keep your woman



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