PRIDE--the main Ingredient in the Evil that Surrounds Us

The abuse, torture and killing of men, women and children
continues. Throughout the history of humankind this has been so.
Why?  We might say it is because of prejudice or pride or ego or
just unabashed hatred. Maybe contempt and envy enter into it.
Whatever it is, whatever causes human beings who are supposed
to have the use of reason to turn against their own kind, eludes
me. It also sickens me.
What causes others to purposely and oftentimes, gleefully abuse,
torture, rape and kill their own kind, makes no sense. Scorn,
loathing and derision can combine and form a hatred so deeply
imbedded that people actually kill themselves to destroy their
perceived enemy even if that person is a little child. Where can
such hatred come from? How can it be so deep and vicious?  And
why, why is it, that so many times the killings are carried out
using God and virtue as justification. The God I know is all about
love and forgiveness. We must not forget that He has given
us free will and we choose our behavior.
Killing out of hatred while using God as the reason is an
abomination of all that is good and pleasing to God. It is the
ultimate hypocrisy committed by men and women and this even
applies to avowed atheists who deny God's existence. They fit
the profile simply because everyone , believer and non-believer
alike, knows that NOT killing is the right thing. It is part of our
genetic material. If you do kill due to pride, envy, anger, greed or
lust, you have abdicated your very self to the forces of evil. Of all
of these, pride is the greatest because it is the king of self-
destruction and the primary portal to the evil that lurks waiting to
embrace each and every one of us..
The word "genocide" was coined in 1948 by Raphael Lemkin . His
word has been with us ever since. Scholars and historians can
trace genocide all the way back to prehistoric man and some
believe that even the Neanderthal was wiped out by genocide. The
20th century alone has seen seven periods of genocide. It
started with the Armenians, who were systematically murdered
by the Turks between 1915 and 1918. The Turks managed to kill
1,500,000 of their "enemy". In 1933, the Nazis opened their first
concentration camp, Dachau. Here over 25,000 Jews and
Christians were killed as the Nazi genocide began. The atrocities
continued until 1945. When the allies finally liberated Germany it
was found that Hitler's death machine had managed to kill more
than 6,000,000 Jews and millions of others, including Catholics
and Christians, Gypsies, Hungarians, Romanians, Dutch, French,
Poles, Russians, and the sickening list goes on.
We have seen genocide in Rwanda where, in 1994 alone, 800,000
people were brutally murdered. Pol Pot in Cambodia managed to
torture and kill over 2,000,000 people between 1975 and 1979.
Under Joseph Stalin's forced famine over 7,000,000 Russians
died between 1932 and 1933. Many millions more died under his
brutal and paranoid dictatorship. The 20th century alone has
seen literally countless millions of people, people just like you
and I, systematically exterminated usually because some
maniacal individual has seized power and the people who follow
him are ready and willing to do his killing. During the Nuremberg
Trials how many of the accused Nazis used the excuse that they
were just "following orders". How cowardly to hide behind such
an excuse. Yet, how many do that the world over?  Just because
something has been declared a "law" does not necessarily mean
it is right. At what point do we as individuals stand up for what
IS "right"? How many of us would put ourselves on the line to
defend what is 'right"? The fact is, most of us know what "right"
is but what price honor and integrity and freedom?  When it
comes right down to it, many choose to turn their backs.
Eleven Nuns, who were prisoners of the Nazis in the town of
Nowogrodek in Poland did not turn their backs. They had honor,
integrity and loved their fellow man. The year was 1942. The
Nazis had already exterminated, or sent to work camps, all of the
10,000 Jews in Nowogrodek, and they began killing the Polish
people. The Sisters volunteered to die in place of 120 other
prisoners who were scheduled for execution. The Nazis agreed
and released half of the Polish prisoners, sending the rest to
work camps. The nuns were taken out into the woods, made to
stand next to an open pit, and were individually shot to death on
August 1, 1943. The Sisters had such respect for life they
willingly died to save ten times their number. We can only
imagine what they were feeling as they watched their friends
before them fall into that pit, holding hands with each other one
moment, and dead the next. Today they are known as the Blessed
Martyrs of Nowogrodek. They were beatified by St. John Paul II
on March 5, 2000. How many of us would do that for people we
did not know?
Today, we watch mass killings taking place throughout the
Middle East and parts of Asia and Africa. The murder and
attempted annihilation of Christians continues unabated, and is
on the increase at this very moment. From the individual killing
of Father Frans van der Lugt , beaten and murdered in Syria in
April for being a Catholic priest, to the 80 people in North Korea
executed last November for owning Bibles, to the imprisonment of
Meriam Ibrahim, with her two babies, for being Christian, to the
massacres of Christians taking place in so many places around
the world. The hatred and demonic behavior increases day by
day. and has been going on since the existence of mankind has
been recorded. It is a behavior that flies in the face of what we
are as a species. Somewhere, it is happening at this very
I believe there is a self-centeredness and false pride that exists in
all of us. It is the gateway for evil to enter into us. Many reject
this evil. Many have too much love in their hearts to be
influenced by such temptation. Many do not. Lucifer is alive and
well and using these open "gateways" that are available to him all
over the world. Quite often he is very successful at gaining
entrance into available souls. Bottom line, Lucifer, aka Satan, was
the greatest of all God's angels. But his pride made him choose to
challenge his Creator. He lost that battle and was cast out. He is
filled with a vitriolic hatred for God and Love, and has been
waging his evil war against God and Love ever since. Often time
he finds an open "gateway", but, in the end, he can never win.

PRIDE--the main Ingredient in the Evil that Surrounds Us Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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