Do you know about Matthew's principle? Matthew's effect or principle refers to the process where those who already have an advantage...
You were directed to stay at home to save your life and that of others but you return to the street because you must Sha make money. It...
Before now you have not been able to kuku read your Bible and not been able to pray as well. Now that everything disturbing you is on suspe...
This originated from USA and our Government has now approved it. Hmmmmm 1. Our Pharmacists and Chemists, this is not time to he rich, rath...
Amid concerns over the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., it’s important to remember most who become infected recover from the illness. A...
_My girlfriend is having an affair with another guy. I talked to her friends and they said she wanted to choose who will be the perfect fat...
It could be either. Some men won't feel turned on at all, while others feel quite turned on, but their body doesn't turn on! Causes...
Some people are not very good at apologizing, especially men. Look at actions rather than words. Does he try to fix his mistakes or does he ...
Simply ask your girlfriend not to cook you any dishes with shrimp in it, since you're allergic and will get very sick if you eat it. Te...
I beat my wife because of some misunderstanding and she left home to theirs. What can I do for her to come back💔? I suggests be...
I gets this question a lot from ladies (but little from guys!) If your boy/girlfriend is ignoring you on social media, it could mean a thou...
Passion fades even in the most passionate of relationships, within months to two years. When the wild attraction and the butterflies are go...
l am ashamed of my hands they look old🤚! Hands tend to show age more quickly than the rest of the body, since they're const...
I hate my life, I have no friends or a boyfriend and I spend my time in my room hating my life. Please help😭! The first step yo...